—Workhouse Arts Center - Ceramics Program—


Location: Lorton, VA

Length: Long Term: 1 year with option to stay longer

Housing: None

Kilns: 9 electric kilns, 2 gas kilns — soon to build a gas/soda kiln and plans in works for a wood-kiln

Expenses: Materials and firings at cost; $380/month for private studio space and $210/month for shared studio space

Funding/Stipend: None

Workspace: Private or shared 220 sq ft studio spaces

Responsibilities: Minimum of 18 hours/week presence in the studio, includes shared gallery watch responsibilities in their dedicated resident gallery, active contribution and participation towards growth and daily operational activities of ceramics program by instructing, assisting, mentoring, supervising or maintaining various areas of program. Credits toward firing and raw material costs are given to ceramic resident artists for their contributory hours in the Ceramics Program

Number of Residents: Up to 8

Additional Opportunities:

  • Other media studios on campus and are accessible to residents (Glass hot shop, cold glass, flameworking, art of movement, performing arts, mixed media, fiber, paper, paintings and more)

  • Paid teaching opportunities for classes and workshops

  • 9 galleries on campus

  • Second Saturday Art Walks events every month welcoming the community into the studios to meet the artists

  • Concerts put on every weekend in the summers

  • 5%-10% discount on classes at Workhouse Arts Center

  • Can be a monthly featured artist and have a month long solo show in the main gallery

  • Workshops and shows with visiting artists 4-8 times per year

  • The resident program is flexible and has a great deal of space and capacity for additional shows, workshops and sales proposals

  • Mixed media encouraged

  • The Workhouse Arts Center looks to help artists gain exposure and sale opportunities

Resident Reviews