— Lighthouse Works —
Location: Fishers Island, NY
Length: Short Term: 6 weeks
Housing: Private bedroom and shared kitchen, bathroom, and living space in a 3-story Victorian house. Located 1.5 miles or a 30 minute walk from the studios.
Kilns: *
Expenses: Materials and firing at cost
$1,750 in financial support
Lighthouse Works staff cook for and eat dinner with the fellows
Workspace: Studios are private, flooded with light, and face the ocean
The primary obligation of the fellows are to pursue their work
Participate in an artist talk and an open studio at the beginning and end of the residency
Number of Residents: *
Additional Opportunities:
Lighthouse Works maintains a wood and metal fabrication shop
Given the size and intimacy of our program, everyone gets to know each other through our program. Thus the fellowship allows for conversation, critique, and collaboration.
Resident Reviews