— Chulitna Lodge Wilderness Retreat —


Chulitna Lodge Wilderness Retreat does not currently have a ceramic facilities, but they do plan to host a kiln building workshop and pottery workshops in the near future.

Location: Lake Clark, Alaska

Length: Short Term:1, 2, or 3 weeks (end of May-beginning of October)

Housing: Single or double occupancy cabin

Kilns: None


  • Residency fee based on accommodation preference

    • $800/week/person: Double occupancy cabin (can be a spouse/partner/family member/studio assistant/etc.) If coming alone, you may possible share a room and studio with another artist

    • $1,300/week/person: Single occupancy cabin (Just you in your own private cabin, which doubles as a studio)

    • $2,200/week/person (No residency application or acceptance needed): Single occupancy cabin or yurt (just you in your own private cabin)(spouse/partner/family member/studio assistant/etc. may share cabin at a discounted $800 rate)

Funding/Stipend: *

Workspace: *

Responsibilities: *

Number of Residents: *

Additional Opportunities:

  • Chulitna Lodge Wilderness Retreat seeks to provide the time, space, clarity, and facilities for all forms of creative professionals or researchers to make and meditate

  • There is a complete wood-shop representing most every tool one would need, some printmaking tools, and digital photography tools

  • Writers and researchers will find our library a great to find everything from obscure local native legends, to biology, anatomy or taxa

  • Musician’s are provided recording space and equipment including a piano, keyboard, a couple guitars and ukelele’s, and some various instruments

  • Gourmet meals from arrival in Port Alsworth, Alaska to departure

  • Staff members are available to help with tool usage or technical assistance given enough notice

Resident Reviews