— Byrdcliffe Guild —


Location: Woodstock, NY

Length: Short Term - Summer Residency: 3 1/2 Weeks to 5 Months — Winter Residency: Varied

Housing: Multiple housing options

Kilns: Electric kilns, two gas kilns and one soda kiln

Expenses: Short Term: Dependent on housing choice — 5 Month Summer Residency: One time program fee of $800

Funding/Stipend: None

Workspace: Shared private studio space

Responsibilities: None

Number of Residents: Byrdcliffe offers three distinct artist housing programs, monthly, seasonal and annual, hosting over 75 artists each year. Some variations accommodate couples and teams. Monthly programs accommodates 16-20 at a time in two communal buildings and two independent live/work cottages. Communal living includes a private bedroom and separate private studio. The two independent live/work cottages take part in all the same programming and are available to couples.

Additional Opportunities: Beautiful property, time and space to create

Resident Reviews