— STARworks —


Location: Star, NC

Length: Short Term - 3 months - Spring Session (January 9-May 26), Summer Session (June 1-August 31); Fall (September-December) — Long Term (Internship) - 1 year

Housing: New housing in process of being built — Yellow house @ Bulldog Pottery

Kilns: 3 Electric kilns, 1 reduction gas kilns, 1 reduction electric kiln, 1 Noborigama woodfire kiln and raku kilns

Expenses: Materials and firings at cost - STARworks clays at a discount

Funding/Stipend: Short Term: None — Long Term (Internship): $1,200/month stipend and 300Ibs of clay every 6 months

Workspace: Large studio spaces placed side by side, supporting a collaborative and energetic educational environment; shared workspace for interns, residents and guest ceramic artists

Responsibilities: Short Term: None — Long Term: 20 hours/week working in the clay factory, the ceramic supply shop and studio managing

Number of Residents: Short Term: 1-3 artists — Long Term (Internship): 3 artists

Additional Opportunities:

  • Opportunity for artists interested in unprocessed local NC materials to test, research and develop their own clay-bodies, slips and glazes

  • 15 minutes to Seagrove’s +50 potter community

  • Studio practice development

  • Opportunity to work in the STARworks cafe and taproom, teach workshops and coordinate hosting events in the STARworks cafe and taproom

  • Participate and assist in STARworks events such as the Woodfire Conference, Fire Fest and fundraising or charity events

  • Sell work in the STARworks gallery

  • Can work in the metals and glass studios

  • Learning at a high level of material use

  • Group critiques every 3 months and other opportunities for casual critiques

  • Welcoming community and there’s always a wood-firing taking place in the area

Pet Friendly

Resident Reviews