— Springfield Pottery —


Location: Springfield, MO

Length: Long Term: 2 years

Housing: None

Kilns: *

Expenses: None

Funding/Stipend: Firing privileges, use of clay, studio glazes, slips, and raw materials (within reason)

Workspace: Access to a 3,400 sq. ft. facility and ample shelving

Responsibilities: Residents are expected to work a minimum of 12 regularly scheduled hours/week for the studio. Duties include monitoring open studio hours and taking care of customers in the gallery, loading and unloading kiln, firing, mixing glazes, and performing other regular cleaning and maintenance duties required in the daily operations of the facility. Helping with periodic special events is expected. In addition, residents are expected to work to develop a strong and cohesive body of work.

Number of Residents: *

Additional Opportunities:

  • Springfield Pottery offers individuals an opportunity to create and explore new work in a fully furnished clay studio while developing professionally and personally in a community of individuals with a passion for clay and learning

  • Participation in any workshop and class (space permitting)

  • Possible opportunities to gain teaching experience

  • Exhibit and sell work in the Springfield Pottery gallery

  • Have an ongoing dialogue about resident’s work in a supportive mentoring environment

  • Gain first hand knowledge of the day to day operation of a community clay center and fine craft gallery

Resident Reviews