— Core Clay —


Location: Cincinnati, OH

Length: Short and Long Term: 1-3 months or 1 year - Spring: March 1st-February 1st — Fall: September 1st-August 1st

Housing: Short Term: None — Long Term: Free private 2 bed, one bath apartment - Gated apartment building

Kilns: Electric kilns and one gas kiln; work in mid to low fire (Core Clay does have connections to a woodfire option outside their program)

Expenses: Materials

Funding/Stipend: Short Term: $500 stipend

Workspace: Provided

Responsibilities: Short Term: Participate and moderate their weekly Core Clay activities, minimum of 20 hours/week working in the studio on your personal body of work teach at least one class or workshop of your choice, have a set schedule for open studio hours — Long Term: Participate and moderate their monthly studio critique, minimum of 5 hours/week working in the studio on your personal body of work, organize at least one gallery exhibition of your work, teach at least one class or workshop of your choice, 11 hours/week working in the shop

Number of Residents: Up to 3 residents

Additional Opportunities:

  • Studio clay outings

  • Clay supplies at cost; reclaim is free

  • Free firing

  • Photo box set-up available for use

  • Opportunities to participate in sale in the gallery

  • Solo exhibition show at the end of each residency

  • Health care set up support for residents moving from out of town

  • Good pharmacy and health care doctors within walking distance of apartment building

  • Long Term: free attendance at visiting artist workshops in exchange for labor at workshop, opportunities for employment at Core and local clay businesses, and paid additional hours outside the required 11 hr/wk with paid time off on a cumulative basis

Pet Friendly

Resident Reviews