— Penland School of Craft —


Location: Penland, NC

Length: 3 residency programs: 1 year project based residency or 3 year Resident Artist Program for artists at transitional points in their careers — 2 year Core Fellowship for emerging artists who work part-time for the school along with participating in workshops and developing their own work — 2 & 4 week long Winter Residency in January-February

Housing: Free — Long term residents receive private studio apartment housing; Core Fellows and short term receive shared housing


  • 1 — three-chambered anagama/noborogama hybrid wood kiln designed and built by potters Kevin Crowe and Dan Finnegan in 2013

  • 1 — tube wood kiln designed and built by local potter Will Baker in 2017

  • 1 — 65 cu. ft. sprung arch/down-draft salt/soda kiln designed by local potter Shane Mickey in 2011

  • 1 — 16 cu. ft. cross-draft soda kiln designed by local potter Shane Mickey in 2009

  • 1 — 16 cu. ft. down-draft salt/soda kiln built by local potter Will Baker in 2015

  • 1 — 65 cu. ft. down-draft/spring arch reduction kiln designed by local potter Tracey Dotson

  • 1 — 15 cu. ft. down-draft/sprung arch reduction kiln designed by local potter Tract Dotson

  • 1 — 2 cu. ft. down/draft reduction test kiln designed by local potter John Britt

  • 2 — 3’ x 3’ x 3’ fiber-lined raku kilns

  • 1 — small electric test kiln

  • 1 — 18” round electric kiln

  • 6 — 23” reound electric kilns

  • 3 — 26” round electric kilns

  • 3 — large oval electric kilns

Expenses: All materials and firings at cost — Core Fellowship: Studio fees excluding tuition for classes — Long term: Pay utilities for studio

Funding/Stipend: Core Fellowship: $500 stipend every 2 weeks and receive an additional stipend at the end of the fellowship

Workspace: Long term: personal empty workspace. Artist must bring in all equipment, furniture and supplies they will need for the time they are there

Responsibilities: Resident Artist Program: engage intently with their work, expected to welcome other residents, students, instructors and visitors to their studios, occasional demonstration for a workshop, mentoring a core fellow, participating in events and the Penland community — Core Fellowship: a 20-25 hr/wk work-study fellowship working to support the day-to-day operations of a craft school, fully engage with Penland by taking several workshops each year in familiar or new media

Number of Residents: Long term: * — Core Fellowship: 8 artists — Winter Residency: 16 artists at a time

Additional Opportunities:

  • Representation by the Penland Gallery

  • Opportunity to be surrounded by many working craftspeople who live nearby and in the Penland community

  • All media taught at Penland

  • Opportunity for connections with world-class artists of all media

  • Free lunches in the dinning hall

  • Long Term: Paid teaching opportunities and attend 1 free workshop during time of residency

  • Core Fellowship: Opportunity to take any class in any media

  • Core fellowship: Free meals while the school is in session (about 8 months of the year)

Pet Friendly: Long term: YES — Short term: NO

Resident Reviews