— College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University —
(The residency page on csbsju.edu is not currently running. I am not sure if this indicates that the residency is not running as the information I found for this page is from 2019)
Location: *
Length: Sister Dennis Frandrup Artist Residency - Short Term: 6 weeks
Housing: A fully furnished apartment at the Collegeville Institute near the campus of Saint John’s University. This apartment is apart of a lakeside cluster of 10 apartments and an administrative center. The apartments vary in size from one to three bedrooms and are assigned according to family needs. A community kitchen, lounge, library, chapel, and laundry are also available.
Kilns: *
Expenses: *
Funding/Stipend: $2,500 stipend
Workspace: A spacious lost studio workspace at the Art Center, Saint John’s University and access to art studio classrooms and labs for printmaking, video, sculpture, and photography. The 918 sq. ft. studio has a high ceiling, excellent natural lighting, movable furnishings for working and storage, adjustable spotlights, a sitting area, a sink, wi-fi and Internet access.
Responsibilities: Limited interaction with public via open studio, artist talk, and interaction with students to include either workshop or critique. Details to be finalized upon acceptance.
Number of Residents: *
Additional Opportunities:
Access to photo, video cameras and editing lab
Studios include papermaking, printmaking, darkrooms (silver and handmade), Mac lab (including scanners, inkjet printers), video editing lab, photo studio, ceramics studio, woodshop, book arts studio, and sculpture located on both campuses of College of St. Benedict and Saint John’s University
Resident Reviews