— Visitor Center Artist Camp —


Location: Ewen, MI

Length: Short Term: 2 weeks - July 22-August 4

Housing: Provided camp-site

Kilns: Pit/low-fire wood, electric and gas kilns

Expenses: Two ceramic residency options — Wild Clay Workshop Residency: $1000 (included instructions, demos and 1-on-1 project guidance for harvesting and creating with the local clay, firings in electric, gas and wood barrel kilns) — Independent Project Residency Fee: $800 (includes shared work space and use of electricity in the studio barn and the A-frame, shop tool and basic supplies, local transportation, miles of hiking trails through the forest, access to a variety of spaces for installation art and land art, various quiet writing, reading, drawing and meditation spaces including in a comfortable refurbished hinting blind, a stage in the woods and a gorgeous grove of Aspens with benches to sit on

Funding/Stipend: None

Workspace: Various indoor and outdoor workspaces

Responsibilities: Live and work communally, sharing daily chores to keep camp running, and collaborate with the local community

Number of Residents: 12

Additional Opportunities: Fee covers all meals, access to camping grounds, water, solar-shower, composting outhouses, workspaces, special presentations and discussion, field trips to swim, hike and visit areas of cultural interest, and participation in a one-day art festival and public clay workshop, 100 acres of land next to Ottawa National Forest, optional professional artist-staff members are here to provide guidance and to support, harvest wild clay on-site for pottery and sculpture, build with locally harvested and locally milled lumber, and use local and natural and reclaimed materials whenever possible

Resident Reviews