— The Bascom, A Center for the Visual Arts —


Location: Highlands, NC

Length: Short Term - “The Bascom’s Dave Drake Studio Resident Educator Artist Program”: 5 months - May 1-September 20 — “Winter Resident”: 2 months - December 9-January 20

Housing: Provided

Kilns: *

Expenses: “Educator Residency”: $20/hour for 20-30 hours/week

Funding/Stipend: “Educator Residency”: None — “Winter Residency”: $500 supplies stipend

Workspace: Personal work area inside of community workspace in a 2,500 square foot barn reconstructed for use as the ceramic studio

Responsibilities: “Educator Residency”: Teach private classes, youth classes and other classes as assigned, trimming, glazing, finishing student work as part of the private class format, loading/unloading kilns, mixing glaze, studio upkeep, and other duties as assigned for studio maintenance and general operating, take photos and document studio activity, classes, workshops, etc for promotional purposes, studio manager when needed, act as a positive Bascom Ambassador during and after residency, make work to sell through the studio and two annual member’s shows, submit proposal for body of work concentration to be completed during term

Number of Residents: *

Additional Opportunities: Gain work experience including curriculum design, instruction for all ages, studio management, equipment training, public presentations, community service, volunteerism, pop-up exhibition installation, artist statement and portfolio development and professional development, access to feedback, and assistance in finding local and regional opportunities for the residents’ benefit and given positive reinforcement — “Educator Residency”: 100 Ibs of clay/month, free glazing and firing — “Winter Residency”: Solo exhibition on display, public reception, marketing and promotion of residency experience

Resident Reviews