Vermont Studio Center

VSC hosts many artists at a time with different media focuses with the main bulk being writers and poets. There is also sculpture, photography, printmaking, metal, woodworking, stone and digital art. The ceramics residency is more of a sculptural residency. This program is not strongly dedicated to ceramics, but offers communication and interaction with artists working with different media creating a unique space of exploration. The artist residency here is a short term program split into 2, 3 and 4 week sessions. Each resident is provided a furnished private room in a shared house nearby the studio.

There is a residency fee with full fellowships available and residents are responsible for bringing their own materials. Box clay is available at cost. All artists are given a 200-300 sq ft private studio space and there is a larger workspace in the main floor of the sculpture studio building that houses larger equipment for metals, wood, ceramics, etc. Two electric kilns that fire from low to mid range are in a room off of this larger studio.

Residents are given three served, communal meals a day and a self-serve tea and coffee station open 24 hours a day. Vermont Studio Center’s campus is made up of five studio buildings, several housing buildings, main office, gallery and dining building and several various other buildings. There’s a beautiful river running through Johnson and near VSC. This past year they had a flood that damaged parts of their campus so they are working on new renovations and plans to be built and finished in the upcoming years.

Seems like a great place for artists looking for a change of scenes and opportunities to meet different artists for all over. This would be a good residency to work through unfinished or unrefined ideas and possibly find new inspirations and ideas. The VSC residency program has also produced many spontaneous collaboration projects that have come up.


Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts

