Jackie Sedlock Pottery

This is a residency privately owned and directed by Jackie Sedlock and is located an Jackie’s gorgeous property in Pownal, Vermont. Jackie is a personable, warm and passionate potter looking to share her experience and studio with other ceramic artists. The residency is in a retreat-like setting surrounded by wooded nature with walking trails and nearby mountains.

The resident housing is a fully furnished shared guesthouse above the studio. The guesthouse has four private bedrooms, one bathroom, a large kitchen and a dining/lounge space. Jackie and her husband built the studio and guesthouse building themselves with the help of friends. It’s beautiful and every detail well constructed. It’s clear to me from staying just a few days in the guesthouse that Jackie has put a lot of time and thought into the comfort of her guests.

Jackie has a catenary arch wood kiln that she fires every other month or so in the summer and two electric kilns. She hosts classes in her studio as well and occasionally invites guest artists for workshops. Jackie is very quick to communicate and available to discuss different options for artist’s looking to apply.

I had a great time visiting Jackie and meeting some of the people who wood fire there with her. It was a fantastic time of relaxation where I even got to get in the studio and make a few things. Being on the road means I don’t get to make ceramic work which has been a bit tough so I was extremely kind of Jackie to open her studio to me.

I also got to experience squalls for the first time driving in as I was coming in January. I’m pretty adept at snow and storm driving and made it to Jackie’s with no issue. I mention the storm because once I stepped into the guesthouse, it was like the wind and cold didn’t exist. The building is so well built and insulated; so warm in both temperature and energy, I forgot there was a storm happening.

I will definitely be trying to make it out there again sometime! The firing squad is fun and positive, the property is gorgeous and Jackie is wonderful!


Saratoga Clay Arts Center


Snow Farm