Brockway Center for Arts and Technology

BCAT is a program with purpose! Their number one focus is creating a center to expose high school students to the arts, to create a safe space to learn and develop and to provide job training to unemployed and underemployed adults for no cost to the students. This is a caring center determined to support the growth of the people in their community. The three core aspects of the physical environment for a CAT program are to surround kids with art, running water and thriving plants. These are all present from the moment you walk through BCAT’s doors.

The ceramic AIR program is a long term residence for 1-2 years. For 2-3 artists in residence each year, they are given free housing, materials and firing. In exchange, residents are responsible for assisting in teaching in the after-school program for high school students M-F, 2:30-5:30, cleaning and maintaining the studio space, chaperoning on student field trips and various in-school or community-based projects. This work leads to 25 hours per week. Extra work beyond 25 hours per week is paid. The work is meaningful and can lead to lasting support and change for young adults and students in the Brockway area. This program is excellent for an artist who loves to teach, wants minimal expenses and is looking for a space with excellent funding.

Personally, I was blown away with the level of passion and care that came out of this center for their students and helping every person they can reach. A phenomenal program that plans to continue to grow and develop to help change more and more people’s lives in their community. It’s located in a small town, but BCAT has a large presence and filled with caring and passionate people.

The afternoon I arrived they were doing a raku workshop, as they let me throw in a couple pots and participate in the firing. In the morning, they had a guest artist come in to teach a candle making workshop. Both were really fun!


Wellsville Creative Arts Center


Rochester Folk Art Guild