Lillstreet Art Center

Lillstreet is within the city of Chicago and gives many, many people the opportunity to work with clay. Chicago as a whole is a fun city with really good food and places to go and see. When you walk through the door at Lillstreet, you first come upon the gallery space where you can browse around different artists ceramic work. Further into the building on the main floor are many ceramic classrooms for hand building and throwing. There’s also a plaster mold making space for slip casting classes.

On the second floor, there are several large rooms for rented studio spaces. One of the studio rooms is where the resident artists have personal workspaces separated by curtains and walls. I ran into a couple artists in their studio who were happy to give me a tour and talk to me about Lillstreet. The art center has classes, many kilns, a gallery/shop and many people coming in and out. The city of Chicago has a lot of great resources of all kinds too!


Peters Valley School of Craft


Khnemu Studio on Fernwood Farm